The experience is common to most: after three or five years at the University, as soon as you graduate, it's time to find your first job. It is not always easy to find a job as a recent graduate without the experience that most employers require. After the first refusals, it's easy to panic or settle for a job below your ambitions. Of course, a simple call for calm is not helpful and you don't need an article to come to this conclusion. In the next few lines, however, you will find some ideas that could facilitate your orientation in the world of work. First and foremost, always remember that you are an asset to the future company where you will eventually go to work. In other words, your future employer needs you as much as you need a job.
This means that when you are looking for a job, the people you are interviewing with are not doing you a favor, but they are there for their own interest. I mean, you're not begging Brazil Phone Number for an occupation. Of course this doesn't mean you're justified in being presumptuous, after all, it's still the interviewee who decides whether to hire you or not. But the reason you should be grateful to interviewers is not because they are doing you a favor, but because they are giving you an opportunity to prove your worth. Therefore, don't be afraid to apply for a job, even if you think you don't have the qualifications or experience to actually be hired. Read carefully the job description and the necessary skills and experience. If you feel that your profile may be in line with what is being requested, please submit your resume.
The worst that can happen is not getting any answers, which is exactly what would happen if you hadn't proposed. Moreover, very often the description of the profile requested in the job offers is an ideal description of the perfect candidate. Just because you're not the perfect candidate doesn't mean you can't be the best. Moreover, we often tend to have a somewhat negative perception of ourselves and we can find faults where there are none. Another behavior to avoid is to be ashamed of your past experiences, because you don't consider them at the same level as the job you are looking for right now. One point to consider is that one of the most valuable currencies in the job market is experience. Therefore, during your years of study it is important to start getting busy with internship, part-time work or business promotion experiences.